Barry Beavers DSC reach 40 years of age.

As the 4th December 2021 approaches ever nearer, our club gets ever more excited to celebrate this remarkable anniversary. Please take time to reflect on how the club has developed and flourished from its humble and small start on 4th December 1981.

The current members and volunteers both enjoy the benefits the club brings to the swimmers who attend each week to have swimming therapy and have a lot of fun too.

The volunteers who give their own time gladly to help and support the swimmers in every way.

Remembering that many swimmers and volunteers have also been past members, who have benefited and helped as previous volunteers, we acknowledge all of them, and they are fondly remembered for the time they spent with our club.

Let's all celebrate this special anniversary whilst looking forward to the future of such a great club created with care and support for all who are Barry Beavers DSC.

Kris Rees